Love is in the Details

Virgo Season

September 2021

When we enrolled here in Earth School, our Souls fully acknowledged and accepted the condition that we would not be perfect, enlightened beings. Instead, we agreed we would be human. In this human form, we have the option to learn, grow and evolve into better versions of ourselves if we choose to take it. Evolutionary Astrology offers one tool for discovering your specific individualized curriculum. The signs and planets in your natal chart reveal your lessons, challenges, and remedies. Which leads us right into Virgo Season...ready? 

When the sun is in the Virgo part of the sky, it illuminates the core lessons of Virgo for everyone. If you have planets in Virgo such as the Sun or Moon, then these themes will play a significant role for you over your lifetime. But we all have Virgo somewhere in our charts and lives, so there’s really no skipping the lesson.  It's up for us all from now through September 22nd. 

At its essence, Virgo is teaching us what it means to be in Right relationship with perfection.

Virgo can see the ideal. It sees perfection as in the eyes of God. It sees how it all could be or should be.  And, Virgo also sees reality. Virgo sees both: what could be and what is; what I should be and what I am

The yoga for Virgo lies in learning how to handle the knowledge of this shortfall - the gap between the ideal and reality. When Virgo’s hardworking nature and desire to achieve the ideal run amuck, it can show up as workaholism, not enough-ism, or not knowing when to stop perfecting. Internally, the Inner Critic is blabbing, non-stop about your shortcomings, flaws, mistakes, and epic fails. You collapse under a pile of shame and judgment unable to move forward. 

The Virgo remedy lies in learning humility, discernment, and acceptance. Easy Peasey.  The evolved Virgo uses the vision of perfection as a North Star.  A target to work efficiently and practically toward as it incrementally improves. It also discerns when to stop polishing and put the thing out into the world. 

On a deeper, soul level, Virgo is asking you to radically accept and love yourself while also seeing yourself through the lens of an honest, objective assessment. With full objective awareness of your gifts and flaws, talents and limitations, can you fully love and accept yourself?

Virgo New Moon 

Monday, September 6th, 5:52 PM PDT
This new moon is pushing us to radically love and accept ourselves as we are. And, to continue to do the next right thing to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. Uranus, the planet of disruption, revolution, and chaos is trining this new moon, offering support for you to shake things up, to let your freak flag fly in a Virgoan, orderly manner of course. Scan your life for an area that’s in a rut. What might need a practical, organized revolution for you to live more authentically?

New Moon Intention Setting

  • Set an intention for how you want to be or something you'd like to experience like to be more grateful, to be of service, to speak from your truthful core.

  • Tie-in Virgo themes or scan your heart for what wants to come through.

  • Find quiet time, light a candle, get still and say the intention to yourself.

  • Place notes about the house to remind you of your intention.

  • Do it for 30 days and see what changes along the way.

Remember: Virgo-centered incrementality is our friend, especially through September 22nd.


Libra calls for peace, please.


Leo New Moon. It’s time to Shine