Leo New Moon. It’s time to Shine

Quick List:  Key Action Items.
Listen to your true self, let it shine, and do the work to make your OWN dreams come true. Trust me, everyone will love the TRUE YOU!

  1. Show off your core competencies: Let your gifts shine.
    It’s Leo Season from July 22 to August 22:
    Time for heart-centered play. It’s time to shine. Be genuine and true. Don’t sell out to win the audience. Share your authentic, creative gifts and reap the rewards.

  2. Imagine the future you want.
    Use the New Moon on August 8th:
    Set an intention to cultivate creativity, play, and joy. Use your imagination to visualize a more joyful life. Generously share your gifts with the world.

  3. Rebel much? It's time to shake things up!
    Take advantage of the Aquarian and Uranian themes all month:
    Aquarius, and its planetary ruler Uranus feature prominently all month, beating the drum for radical honesty, progress, and awakening. Where do you need to think for yourself and do things your own way?  Scrutinize your motives, choices, and decisions to uncover where the old way of thinking, being, or doing no longer serves you.  And, change it.  

Deeper Dive:  August 2021

A call to activate your inner renegade.

This August is a highly charged month continuing the unsettling energy of disruption, rebellion, and change of 2021. This Leo Season, usually dominated by heart-centered, playful, fun, charming vibes will have to share the spotlight with heady, chaotic, renegade Aquarian energy. 

The Sun went into Leo on July 22 and will remain there through August 22, calling us to live, love, and play from the heart. At its essence, Leo is learning trust by sharing its creative gifts with those who value them. In the exchange between Leo’s performance and receiving applause, a loop is completed and the soul’s trust in humanity is restored.

The other big pull we’ll feel this month is Aquarian. Its energy is centered in the head, focused on ideas that will move the world forward for humanitarian and/or scientific gains. In its ideal expression, Aquarius is motivated by progress and equality that celebrates the individual. It often involves shaking up the status quo through innovative discoveries and/or revolutionary acts.

On a personal level, this Aquarian energy is calling for you to think and act for yourself. The important work of this month and the year is to examine your life to see what aspects fit who you are and what you value today. Ask yourself “what am I doing based upon social programming or tradition?” Is there an area of life or activity that you find yourself thinking“that’s just how it is or that’s how it's always been done.” Scrutinize why you do what you do to find out if it's aligned with your current values. Change is afoot. There is an opportunity to make bold moves that can free you to create a future that fits the true you.

The challenge presented to us is to tie the highest version of the two together… search your heart for what you desire, be radically honest, think for yourself, and then where necessary be boldly unique, willing to shake things up to live more truthfully - do the thing no one expects but feels 100% right for you - live, love, work from that place.

It’s time to level up, bet big on yourself, and make a change!

Let’s Work Together

Remember that you don’t have to uproot your entire life. Your natal chart points to the specific areas of your life that are ready for an overhaul. Whether it’s your career, finances, your relationships, education, or love life, your stars are the beacons that let you focus your energy for maximum results. You can do the soul-searching and visioning yourself, or work with me to speed up the process and get you rolling on your path to personal fulfillment.  

​​When you are ready to make a significant change for the better in your life, I partner with you in an ongoing coaching engagement to point you to your inner wisdom to gain clarity and life direction.

Book a Soul Desire session with me and together we’ll find out exactly what area of life is ready for change.


Love is in the Details


Jumping Jack Flash! It's July!