Celestial Lights Out

Astro-logical Update

The first couple of weeks of December seem calm enough - with ample opportunities for introspection to scrutinize your beliefs and values. All the while, the energy of unrest - the one that’s been with us all year, that revolutionary, rebel yell “We’re not gonna take it anymore” vibe - is building momentum and expected to peak on December 23rd. For now, I’ll focus on the first half of December. I’ll be back in two weeks to fill you in on 2021's grand finale

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse
December 3, 2021 at 11:43 pm PT

It's a Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Super Moon -  say that 5 times fast.  

Eclipses bring with them the vibe of chaos, a surge of energy, the shock of the unknown. It seems so fitting we'd end this year with an extra punch of rebelliousness. Of course, the purpose of all of this is to give us an opportunity to break through to a new level of awareness, to expand our self-knowledge and consciousness. 

During a Solar Eclipse, the earth is momentarily cut off from the sun’s rays, wisdom, and guidance. The connection severed. Pattern interrupted. Untethered in darkness. So, it would be totally normal for you to feel a bit destabilized, uneasy, and anxious a few days before and after the actual event. 

The theme of this Solar Eclipse is about endings, specifically around beliefs. Something must end, be released, or let go of in order for you to move forward. It’s time to clear out the clutter: physically and emotionally.

Trust what is leaving.

Sagittarius is all about beliefs, personal truth, and the quest for meaning. Sag's evolutionary strategy is to seek meaning through first-hand experience. Not just blindly accepting the beliefs it was born into, picked up from friends, or taught in a webinar. Sagittarius must find its own meaning of life through exposure to individuals, philosophies, religions, cultures, and customs especially those that are strikingly unfamiliar

Launch your own Sagittarian-style quest for your personal Truth. 
Stretch your worldview to ensure your beliefs are yours.  

Your Beliefs Are Your Reality


Astro-logical Remedy

If you’re feeling this eclipse, and not everyone will feel it with the same intensity. It will depend greatly upon where this lands in your chart - by house and what other planets are involved. But if you’re feeling anxious, untethered, or extra tired this weekend, you’ve come to a point where it is ESSENTIAL to eliminate beliefs that do NOT belong to you. Your Soul's evolutionary growth depends upon it.

  • Fear not. Treat the eclipse like a reboot. Shut everything off. Go inward, get quiet, tend to your emotional state. Settle into stillness.

  • Try this meditation on Letting Go by Connected Calm Coach, Lane Kennedy

  • Get curious about your beliefs. I’m talking about stuff like:

    • "Companies don’t hire people my age, race, gender

    • "The ____________ cause all the problems in the family, company, country

    • "I’m too old to ___________. "

  • Write 'em down. Ask yourself "is this true, do I believe without a doubt, with 100% certainty that this is true?"

  • Take time to de-clutter. Clear out the unwanted stuff around your home and office, to make way for the new.

  • In the months that follow, stretch your worldview - spend time with people and places that are exotic to you.


2021 Astrological Grand Finale


It's intense.