New Year! New Moon!

Capricorn New Moon.

Tomorrow, January 12th at 9:00 pm PT, we will have the first new moon of 2021 at 23°13’ Capricorn. All new moons mark a new beginning; when the sky is its darkest, we are called to rely more heavily on our faith. Just as the ancients relied on faith as they gazed up at the dark sky and hoped the Gods would see fit to return the moon one night soon. It’s an ideal time to reflect upon our beliefs, hopes, and dreams while setting a new intention for the new year.


This new moon in Capricorn points us to look at our relationship with authority, power, and tradition. It reminds us that we are responsible for our individual actions and inactions. And, both have consequences. Where might you need to step into your power and become your own authority? What traditions do you want to bring with you into this new era, and which ones do you leave behind?

2021 kicks off a new era, a fresh start! It’s the first full year in the 200-year Air cycle. This Air focused period will feel less stable and less predictable than we had grown accustomed from the previous 200-year Earth focused cycle. Air is about movement, ideas, and freedom, as well as connection, community, and collaboration. We are moving away from a focus on materialism; don’t fix what ain’t broken thinking and top-down rulership. 


As this new era gets rolling, we can expect a bit of a shaky start. The most volatile will be the first few months of 2021. Deep changes are afoot for all aspects of our universe––not just political, economic, and social but also spiritual––human consciousness is expected to receive an upgrade.


On a personal level, the Air cycle’s evolutionary purpose is to prompt you to WAKE UP, to be more radically authentic, to break free from social and familial programming so that you can live a fully individuated and radiant life. You will be called to take an in-depth look at the values you live and work by: are these values really yours? Are they rooted in your soul? Or were they handed down from elsewhere?


To dig into what the new year and this new era hold for you, I’m offering 2021 YEAR AHEAD Sessions individually crafted to reveal what you may expect and plan for in the year to come. Working from the lessons in your birth chart, I’ll pinpoint the area of your life that is calling for more freedom and individuation, and you’ll get bespoke, heart-centered guidance on the areas of your life that will be experiencing a true awakening this year.


Heart-Centered Action