Endings and Beginnings

As we close out 2022, the many challenging cosmic aspects we’ve been navigating since 2020 are finally dissipating. The energy of restriction is officially gone or losing steam.   

December closes out with a focus on new beginnings, renewal, and expansion.  Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance enters the self-starting pioneering sign of Aries, Capricorn season starts marking the return of longer days, and a Super New Moon. Not to mention, half the planets in our solar system will be in the sign of Capricorn - letting us know it's time to commit to our great and worthy work for 2023. 


Key Dates and Contemplations

12/20 Jupiter in Aries: Courageous Beginnings and Expansion

  • What are you ready to courageously start? 

  • How have you been underestimating yourself? 

  • Look to the Aries ruled part of your chart for more information.

12/21 Capricorn Solstice: Celebrate and Commune

  • Spend quiet time meditating and communing with like-minded people and beings. 

  • Celebrate your inner pagan - dance, chant, and drum by the fire, eat heartily and sleep deeply. 

12/23 Capricorn Super New Moon: Commit to your Great Work

  • Set an intention to find and commit to your mountain to climb in 2023. 

  • Journal about what are you going to manifest in 2023. 

  • Look to the Capricorn-ruled area of your chart for more information.


Let's Dig In


It's time to START!  It's time to Bet Big on yourself - specifically in the area of life (chart) ruled by Aries.  If unsure, scan your life for where you’ve been underestimating yourself - is it work, relationships or your personal style?  Ask a trusted friend to help you if need be. Wherever it is, it's time to correct this underestimation by Going for It.  Apply for the job, start a business, pitch the idea. Jupiterian winds of opportunity and abundance will be at your back through May 2023. 


It's time to boldly bet big on yourself.


The solstice is one of the earth’s high holidays. Pagan celebrants named it the "birth of the sun"  to commemorate the return of light as the days slowly get longer here in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also believed to be a sacred time when the veil between realms is thinner - making it easier to send and receive messages. Work with the energy by communing with nature and those dear to you.  Embrace your inner pagan beat a drum, dance naked, or simply sit quietly by the fire. It's time to restore and prepare for the long road ahead.  

It also kicks off the month-long Capricorn Season. If you have Capricorn as your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign, this is your time. You may feel the Capricorn energy more strongly. But don’t forget, we all have Capricorn in our charts, somewhere and so, we all have Capricorn Lessons to learn.

Capricorn represents the part of us that is fascinated with what is difficult. It also gives us the discipline to do what must be done whether we feel like it or not. 

Capricorn is learning self-discipline and integrity. 

Where Capricorn lies in your natal chart, along with its ruler Saturn, points you to your “great work”, the call your soul has incarnated to bring to life. 


Currently, the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Pluto are in a cosmic traffic jam in the sign of Capricorn and will remain there through January 2023, indicating we’ve all got some Capricorn work to do.


Your Great and Worthy Work 

The challenge for Capricorn lies in choosing the right mountain to climb. One of Capricorn’s Brand Ambassadors, the Sea-Goat is a mountain goat with a fish's tail. It can swim the widest oceans, and climb the tallest peaks. It is capable beyond belief. 

And therein lies the rub, how to choose the right mountain when you are capable of mastering them all? 

The secret is to choose based on what your Soul longs for. What you feel called to do.

Look to the quiet dark skies above and within
Listen for the call. 
Only your soul has the answer.

If you seek solely to secure status, prestige, admiration, or wealth, it will never work for the Capricorn part of you.  


The Super New Moon is extra close to the earth and thereby extra powerful. It's time to plant a new seed. Set an intention for the upcoming 6 months.  And, true to Capricorn nature whatever is manifested during this time, will not come easily. It will require commitment, discipline, integrity, and effort. But it will be well worth it. 

What will you manifest in 2023?   

What will be your great and worthy work in the year ahead? 



How this plays out in your life, greatly depends upon the houses of your chart ruled by Capricorn and Aries.  If you need help sorting out your Great and Worthy Work, I'm here to point the way. 

Schedule a FREE 
Discovery Call to determine the next right step for you or  

Book a Soul Desire Session to get the scoop on your Great and Worthy Work.
The session will also include what the YEAR AHEAD has in store for you. 

For more information and to schedule 


Happy New Year!


Hang on to your hat!